Learning Link
STUDENTS will LOVE to hear the PLAYFUL LANGUAGE and RHYMES of DR. SEUSS. Reading books aloud and playing with language help create strong literacy skills. Dr. Seuss books are great for reading aloud. The books are fun to read over and over again. Build on the fun whimsy of Dr. Seuss with these activities. Come learn all Dr. Seuss' wacky rhyming skills and unusual vocabulary words for an extraordinary learning journey or words, colors and numbers.
Let's Explore Dr. Suess

These learning worksheets contain early learning printables to use with your toddler or preschooler when exploring the wonderful world of Dr. Seuss. These packets are intended for preschoolers.
Draw a Circle Around Each Total
Worksheets courtesy of kindergartenteacherresources.com, twibies.com and first-school.ws.
Book Recommendations
Our book recommendations are a collection of stories exploring Dr. Seuss Adventures. Please browse our bookclub selection for other book titles related to Dr. Seuss.

Thanks to YouTube, we don't have to reinvent the wheel. These YouTube videos will engage your child as they continue to learn and explore the wonderful world of Dr. Seuss.
30 minutes or less
Dr. Seuss on the Loose: Green Eggs and Ham Sing Along
Crazy Colours by Dr. Seuss Read Along
Dr. Seuss's Book of Colors Read Along
Learn to Count - 1 to 10 With Dr. Seuss
The Shape of Me and Other Stuff by Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss - When I Grow Up/Doing It Different
Family Activities
Here are a few activities for the whole family to enjoy while learning and exploring Dr. Seuss. Use these activities to further explore the world of Dr. Seuss and make it relatable to your child.
Have the kids help you match up socks next time you do the laundry.
Make green eggs and ham.
Find some healthy food in the kitchen that are green.
Can you hop on one foot 10 times.
Name five things that rhyme with cat.