Learning Link
STUDENTS will LEARN about the FARM ANIMALS. Students will be able to identify farm animals and animal sounds. Students will learn why each animal is very important to the farm and the farmer.
All About
Farm Animals
Farm Animals: What Doesn't Belong
*Coloring pages and worksheets from education.com and coloringhome.com.

Let's Explore Farm Animals
Book Recommendations
Our book recommendations are a collection of stories exploring farm animals. Please browse our bookclub selection for other book titles related to farm animals.

Thanks to YouTube, we don't have to reinvent the wheel. These YouTube videos will engage your child as they continue to learn and explore farm animals.
30 minutes or less
Tractors for Children With Farm Animals
30 minutes to 1 hour
Learn Farm Animals Names & Sounds
Old MacDonald Had a Farm Songs
1 hour or more
Family Activities
Here are a few activities for the whole family to enjoy while learning and exploring farm animals. Use these activities to point out different farm animals, the sounds they make and why each farm animal is important to the farm and farmer.
Take a trip to a local farm or petting zoo to further explore farm animals and animal sounds.